ZyWin® Reports

Reports are a principal tool in effectively managing a medical practice. Good reports provide performance information and insight into the mix of patients, services, insurance company reimbursement and cash flow. ZyWin® excels at quickly compiling a wide range of highly selectable reports. 

As there are thousands of combinations in the report system, it’s impossible to list all possible permutations.

Report Flexibility

Each report is made flexible and semi-custom with many filter selections available in each report. ZyWin will create reports for one, all or a group of providers, locations, CPT codes, etc. Output may be printed to screen, directly to printer of choice or to a file format of your choice (i.e. .doc, .xls, .pdf). Some reports contain the ability to export to DIF format allowing integration into third party programs for mail merge, label, graphing or other purposes.

Examples of common selections include:

Provider: all or any combination, with or without subtotals for each

Location: all or any combination

User: one or all

Insurance Carrier: Primary, secondary, tertiary, all or selected insurance carrier(s) in each group

Procedure: all or any combination

Diagnosis: all or any combination

By Payor: all or any combination

Recall code: all or any combination

Patient Type: all or any combination

Miscellaneous codes: referral source and other codes

Adjustments: all or any combination

Date Range includes:

Date of service - Select, Range, All
Date last seen - Select, Range, All
Date of birth - Range, Monthly
Patient age range
Date of Referral - Select, All
Exception Date - Range
Appointment Date - Select, All 

Age of service:

By service date
By submission or billing date
By Entry Date

Balance Due: Patient, Insurance or both

Memorizing Reports

ZyWin can “memorize” settings for most of the reports in the system. This enables the User to replicate the report each time it is desired without having to re-enter the criteria or lookup previous reports. This is a distinct advantage when tagging groups of CPT or Dx codes for analysis.

A “tagging” function in reports includes selection of CPT, diagnosis, insurance, Providers and more, As possible selections range into the thousands, memorization provides efficiency for the User and ensures consistency each time the report is selected. Memorized reports can be edited or deleted at any time, depending on User level. There is no limit to the number of times or permutations in which any report can be saved for later retrieval. Storing the report criteria makes the User’s life easier.

Batch Reports

Waiting for lengthy reports to process can be like waiting for a pot of water to boil! ZyWin has a way to overcome this bothersome task.

Once reports are memorized, they can be saved together into a “batch”. The batch can be run immediately or scheduled for another time - even after business hours! Batched reports can be output to a printer or file for later viewing. This feature can save hours so time can be spent working on more productive issues.

Reports Available

The report listing below gives an overview of the many reports included with the system. Current reports are updated and new reports are added continually. Custom reports are available at an hourly programming fee.

Under each report heading, Users may tailor the report by many criteria options. See the Report_Flexibility section for a partial listing.

Transaction Reports

These reports will print all business conducted for a specified date range or single day, all or selected physician(s), and by User ID.  Information included is 'real-time' and reflects all information entered by the starting time of the report. These reports are principally used to reconcile activity and include:

Daily Business Summary

Patient Payments Only

Insurance Payments Only

Adjustments Only

Charges Only

Payor Reports

Transaction information for specific or all Payors is provided in these reports for a specified date range or single day, all or selected physician(s), and by User ID. Information included is ‘real-time’ and reflects information entered by the starting time of the report. These reports include:

All Data by Payor & Check Number

Patient Payments Only

Insurance Payments & Contractual Allowance Only

Adjustments Only

Charges Only

Exception Report

ZyWin can optionally require Users to enter a reason when altering sensitive data in the system. This report lists these exceptions recorded by date range.

Cash Journal

Patient payments are listed by date, provider, location and/or by User. The report subtotals by payment method (cash, check, etc.) to easily verify data input.

Adjustments Journal

These reports will print adjustments by type for a specified date range or single day, all or selected physician(s), and by User ID.  Summary report lists only the totals for each category. They include:

Adjustments Only (Select, Range, All)

Contractual Allowance Only

Both Adjustments & Contractual Allowance

Accounts Receivable

A healthy practice needs the proper tools for locating outstanding balances. ZyWin excels at this with a host of variations on AR reports to empower billing staff. Information can include submission dates and full service line detail. The reports include:

Patient and Insurance Due

Patient Due Only

Insurance Due Only

All Carriers

Primary Only

Secondary Only

Specific Carrier(s)

End of Period Closing Reports

This report includes beginning and ending accounts receivable totals, charges, payment and adjustments. It can be run for daily, monthly, year-to-date or annual activity totals compiled by provider and/or location.

CPT Analysis by Carrier

This report can generate very detailed or summary information on charges, allowances, payments and income statistics for CPT codes by insurance carrier. It can be modified by provider(s), insurance carrier(s) and CPT code(s). It is an excellent tool for comparing carrier reimbursement and volume.

CPT Category and Carrier

Similar to the CPT Analysis by Carrier, this report has the same powerful reporting abilities but also allows the User to retrieve the information by category. For example, a practice may want to compare office visits, nursing home visits and hospital visits. They would create categories for each, attaching the appropriate CPT codes. This eliminates the need to select individual codes each time the report was run and also allows easy comparison by totaling each category.

Patient Insurance Counts

The summary version of this report lists the count and percentage of patients with each insurance carrier. A detailed version report will list each patient by name.

Primary Insurance List/Charges

This report lists the number patients with each insurance company and scans for claims that have been filed with the primary company. The charges for these services are totaled and percentages calculated for number of patients and revenues charged. This provides a basis for comparing with which companies the practice is actually doing the most volume. 

Patient Visit Analysis

This report quantifies the volume, production and payments for specified insurance carriers. Although it was intended for capitated insurance claims, it may be used for any purpose.

Patient Recalls & Recall Reports

These reports are used to prints patient name and address labels for postcard mailings, or can be used to create an export file for for mail merging, etc.. Reports listing patients by recall code can be used for enhancing patient care, stimulating patient visits and marketing.

Master Printout

A listing of all the patients in the database, including address, phone and primary insurance can be generated. This report can be selected by provider, recall code and date last seen.

Patient Demographics

This report is used to create a listing with demographic information of all patients within the database. Options include Provider, insurance company, recall codes and date last seen.


Patient name and address data can be generated for mailing literature and newsletters. They can be organized by zip code or alphabetical order and selected by provider, insurance company, recall codes and date last seen. The report can:

Create Mailing Labels

Create Call List

Create Mail merge Files

Encounter Forms

Encounter Forms can be printed for an entire days appointment schedule (system option) or individually. Standard information appearing on the form includes Patient chart information, procedure and diagnosis history, insurance information, account balance and a unique number for tracking purposes. Encounter forms are User-designed using a simple word processor.

Encounter Tracking

This report is run daily to ensure that charges have been entered for all encounter forms printed. A manual override is provided to void or otherwise account for their where-abouts.  It is most effective when used with the ZyWin Appointment Calendar.

by CPT with Financial

A powerful report full of options. It can be used to evaluate provider and/or procedure productivity and income. Reports can be generated by provider, by CPT code, by insurance company and all or any range of dates. Some selections include:

Patient list only

Patient list with financial information

CPT information only or with financial

Insurance Coverage

A listing of all patients in system with specified insurance coverage(s), selected by provider and optionally by patient age can be produced by running this report.

Insurance Productivity

This report is used to analyze productivity generated by insurance carrier and is subtotaled by provider.  Percentages are calculated for each subtotal based on the grand total amounts.

Place of Service

This report provides financial data compiled for a time period (monthly, quarterly, annually) for each Place of Service patients are treated (i.e. Office 1, Office 2, ABC Nursing Home, etc.). Productivity can be viewed and compared. Billing problems can be spotted easily as the report includes pending (unpaid) claim totals.

Patient Labels by CPT or Diagnosis

These reports are used for mailing of literature, newsletters, etc. for patients who have had selected procedure or diagnosis. Additional criteria used can be provider, included or excluded by patient type, last date seen, and patient age range. The report can:

Create Mailing Labels

Create Call List

Create Mailmerge File

CPT Service List Philadelphia, PA KIDS program

This report lists the patient's name, phone and date of birth for selected CPT codes. It can be selected by DOB (age), CPT, service Provider and date of service. The second part of the report allows for creation of the immunization KIDS registry information into a DBF file for the City of Philadelphia.

Submission Report

These reports compile a list of claims by type of submission (ECS, batch, hold, etc.) and/or status (prepared, submitted, etc.). It can be further modified by provider and include or exclude zero balances.

Charge Entry Report

This report lists charges by Date of Service. Its intended purpose is to check data entry information, provide 'no signature on file' information and prints attached service notes.

General Report

This versatile report can generate a list of patient's referrals. Report selections include Insurance Company(s), Provider(s), referral from date, referral expiration , date, referral type(s), visit counts, referring Provider(s) and location(s)

Referring Sources

This is a referring Provider production report with information generated by Services.

By Patient

This is a referring Provider production report with information generated by the Patient demographics

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